Our city is full of beauty and adventure.
Though I often feel like I get repetitive with my engagement sessions here.
It's a mixture of ease of access, wanting to get iconic Marquette structures, and the general vibe of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" that makes me return to the same places I've been before. It takes work to find a new location that you know is going to have the colors, simplicity and light that you need for successful portraits.
However, I do want every session to be unique! Even if it is the same location.... I think of how, with these new individuals, can I make their session look different and true to them.
Enter in Melissa & Shane, a couple who completely trusted my vision, had/have their own artistic eye and were ready to go on adventures.
Presque Isle is a classic go-to spot for me because it's often where many Marquette couples have spent a lot of time and it's iconic for the area. But I didn't want to go to the same locations on the island I've done in the past, so Melissa & Shane were down for taking a new trail that I had never been down before! It felt like a real adventure for all of us - which made it feel less like a photo shoot and more like an organic hike that we all innately enjoyed. PLUS, we saw deer, which is starting to seem like a normal thing when shooting at sunrise on Presque Isle....
Afterwards, we went into some nooks and crannies of down town to find interesting backdrops, colors and textures.
I'm so grateful for these kinds of couples. Thank you Melissa & Shane - I had so much fun adventuring with you!